
It is with such sadness that I have to write this message. Judy and I (us) go back a long, long way, I am just devastated at her passing. May much love and support help to sustain the family during this most difficult time.

- Ray/Dodie Shields

Judy will be missed so very much. Such an exceptional lady with personality plus. Wonderful memories of many fun times. Would love to hear that laugh again.

- Penny Koclanis

There is an emptiness, that will never be replaced in my heart. You were such a strong presence in my life, and in the whole Bibo Family. Your effervescent personality, your smile and uniquely "Judy" laughter, your tenacity to conquer any mountain, your deep compassion and convictions.... It simply can't be replaced. I learned a lot from you my cousin, and I will never forget those precious experiences. You were our Superstar!! I'll never stop missing you. Matt and Amy... Your Mom had a way of making everyone feel so comfortable and loved. You have those same gifts and it's been incredible to see that carried on. I will always be here for you both, and I am so so sorry. Kathy, Billy, and Annie... You all share the same fine qualities as your sister. Know that. My heart aches for all of you. My everlasting love....to each of you Nancy

- Nancy Bibo Cole

Judy was one of my best friends. I will miss our texts, phone calls...amazing how long we have known each other. I will miss hearing judy’s laugh. My deepest sympathy to all of you!! How lucky we were to have Judy in our lives.

- beezlee@comcast.net Harm

Judy will be missed by so many people that she touched with her love and compassion. It was our pleasure knowing Judy. Rest in peace.

- Craig and Sandy Hughes

Judy and I met in 6th grade. 58 years of birthday cards where she reminded me that she was 6 months younger and I was OLD from now until June. Over the years, our relationship titles changed so many times; from classmate to roommate to bridesmaid to Godmother. No matter the season of life, Judy was there. Her unchanging title was friend. She was there with me through the heartbreak of 3 miscarriages and the hope of adoption. Judy became the hero in our story when, after 13 years of childlessness, God placed her on the maternity floor the morning our Katie was born. She championed for us to be able to adopt her and was the reason that my husband and I became parents to our little girl. While the shock of her sudden death is still so new, I am caught in the waves of grief; remembering all the good times and laughter, remembering the comfort of never having to bear sadness alone, all the while mourning not hearing her laugh again this side of Heaven. I met Judy when I was just learning to be a friend and we learned much together. Now, this world must learn what it’s like to live without Judy’s sass and class. So, we move forward knowing we’re better for having had her in our lives.

- Cathy Olson

I don't even know where to start. Judy was my first cousin on Dad's side of the family and I trust I have known her longer than anyone else. Her laugh was contagious and made a bad day into a fun day. She had so many qualities, but if you ever needed somebody in troubled times, she was the first to offer her unique compassion. She was the most fearless and strong woman that I have ever known. My heart will forever have a hole in it. Love you CBBJ....❤

- Pat Spencer

I'm missing you so much Judy! You always were there for me, and influenced me in so many wonderful ways! I can't believe you are physically gone, but you still live on in all of our hearts. Your favorite brother. Love always, Billinks

- William Bibo

I so sorry to hear about your mother. She was too young. Our deep sympathy. We just found out.

- Nancy Tirjer